Mixed choir | With organ
Jus gali sudominti:
for mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
for mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Cantate Domino canticum novum
For double mixed choir and organ or piano (optional)
Jus gali sudominti:
Dovydo psalmė II
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Ecce nomen Domini Emmanuel
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Kalėdų kelias
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Kalėdų naktį
For mixed choir and piano or organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Minčių šviesa
for mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Mišios šv. Cecilijos garbei
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Missa Brevis
for mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Missa brevis
for boys' choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Missa brevis
for mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
O Jėzau, gailestingasis
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Puer natus est nobis
for mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Quem pastores laudavere
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Skaisčiausia Marija, Dangun paimtoji
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Stabat Mater
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Tavo gimimas, Dievo Gimdytoja Mergele
for mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Te lucis ante
For mixed choir and piano or organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Terra tremuit
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
The Face of Christ
for mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
for mixed choir and electric organ