Mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Kad aš jojau
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Pasvarcyk, antela
for mixed choir and piano
Jus gali sudominti:
The Face of Christ
for mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Šventajai Dvasiai
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Jeremijo giesmė
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
The Lord, Your God
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Bijūnėlis žalias
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Stabat Mater
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Savadarbis smulkaus gintaro vėrinys, paverstas skaičiais
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Omnia Sol Temperat
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Sumptis Domine
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Karaliaus ugnys
For mixed choir and piano
Jus gali sudominti:
Kranto trupinys, Žiemos žaidimai
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Viderunt omnes
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Missa cantata
for mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Ave Maris Stella
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Te lucis ante
For mixed choir and piano or organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Penkios invokacijos šv. Pranciškui
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Quem pastores laudavere
For mixed choir and organ
Jus gali sudominti:
Oi, tai buvo
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Agnus Dei
For mezzo-soprano, mixed choir and chamber orchestra
Jus gali sudominti:
Didis, galingas
For mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
Miegančiojo alsavimas
Mixed choir
Jus gali sudominti:
For mixed choir