Attention, our dear customers!

Beware of fake websites with URLs similar to ours, pretending to sell our products (it already happened once, they claimed they got discounts from the provider). They would just steal your money. Please always check carefully whether you are buying on our website – this is the way to ensure that the albums, sheet music or books you want reach you safely, and that the publishers and authors are remunerated for their sales. Our recordings are also available at our official Bandcamp and Discogs channels (as miclithuania or Music Information Centre Lithuania).


Clocks of the Past. Music for String Quartet. New album by Bronius Kutavičius
Clocks of the Past. Music for String Quartet. New album by Bronius Kutavičius

  With this album, the string quartet "Chordos" continues the series of monographic releases dedicated to Lithuanian composers. Previous entries...

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After School II - second edition of jazz piano pieces by Andrej Polevikov, is now available
After School II - second edition of jazz piano pieces by Andrej Polevikov, is now available

We are delighted to present After School II, the second collection of jazz pieces for beginner pianists by the talented jazz...

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First Digital Collection of Works for Harp by Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis Released
First Digital Collection of Works for Harp by Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis Released

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, Music Information Centre Lithuania presents a...

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